Reviewer Interviews: Misty from Bookaholics Book Club

I'm very excited to have Misty on my blog with me this evening :)  Reviewers do such hard work, I've always thought it a bit of a shame they don't get more starlight, so please welcome Misty Nicholson-Price! She runs the very popular Bookaholics Book Club, which has over 4,200 likes on Facebook, and a blog that is gaining more members every day... So let's get to know her better.

1. Misty, it's obvious from your Facebook site and blog that you love reviewing books. What is it about the review process that you enjoy so much?

Well I love sharing books with other people, whether I love them or not. I think my favourite part of the review process is picking out my favourite quotes because I get to revisit my favourite moments when I'm narrowing it down to the two I'll use in my review, and I get to share my favourite moments with the people who read them.

2. From a reader's perspective, what do you feel has changed the most about the book industry in the past few decades?

Honestly, though I've always been a reader I only went crazy for books a few years ago when I read Harry Potter, so I'm not sure I could say. I guess people are tackling serious issues more in YA books. Although things like that have always been in books, it seems it's only now that people are being honest about it and talking about these issues and the books are getting recognised as a way to help struggling teenagers, which I think is great.

3. Do you prefer eBooks, paperbacks or hardbacks?

I'll always prefer paperbooks. I do have a Kindle and I looove it, but when it comes to a choice I'll always prefer to buy the real thing and display it proudly on my shelf.

4. Describe a potential future for the book industry as you see it in fifty years time?

Hmm I don't know about potential future, but a dream one would be just for more people reading and for the next generation not to forget what printed books are with all the technological advancements we have.

5. What's the longest length of time you've been without reading a book?

I don't think I could go longer than twenty four hours! I've been reading every day for years even if it's just a couple of pages before bed. I couldn't imagine a day without reading -- it's a big part of my life.

6. Do you get withdrawal symptoms?

Definitely! Even when reading on my Kindle I miss the smell of paper and can only read a couple before I need to go back and feel the weight of a real book in my hands.

7. As a UK author, I always find it interesting how international readers respond to my work, compared to UK readers. Do you notice a big difference in the writing style of authors from different countries, and if yes, what do you feel it is?

I think we have a different sense of humour here in the UK to people in the US, so I can usually tell in the jokes when I'm reading a book by a UK author, but other than that I've not really noticed a difference. I've been surprised before when finishing a book to find the author is actually from Europe or Australia, but because the book was set in the US I assumed that's where they were from too.

8. If you were going to write a book, what kind of genre / sub-genre would it be? 

Haha, well now you mention it I am working on something with a friend that we'd love to see published some day, it's a YA fantasy. But I also have personal projects that are both adult and YA; two are paranormal and one is a post apocalyptic dystopia type thing, so I don't think I could pigeon hole myself, although I think I'd be hopeless at writing romance -- I'm an action girl myself, lol.

9. And what would your hero and heroine be like?

I like strong heroines and sizzling heroes so I guess something like that.

10. Do you come from a family of readers?

Yes, although not quite the avid readers I am, both my parents had a few books in their houses when I was younger and they're where I got started in reading until I figured out my own personal tastes.

11. Do you remember the first book ever that hooked you in? And what was it about that novel that had you needing to read more?

The first book I remember really getting into was Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume when I was about 13. I don't remember the whole story but it's about a young girl dealing with the death of her father after he's murdered. It was the first book to ever make me cry. I'd love to get my hands on a copy one day and read it again; I wonder if it have that same effect on me the second time around.

(Oooooh ... memory lane ... I loved Tiger Eyes too :)

12. If someone were going to write a book just for you -- a bespoke book -- with you as the main character, what would you like the plot to be?

Ooooh, what a good question! How about a young sexy heroine (that's me) kicks butt, saves the world, achieves world peace and gets the guy, preferably Keanu Reeves :)

(Sounds good to me!)

13. You mention in your profile that you have three kids -- I don't know how you find the time to read with three kids (I can barely find the time to write with one!). But your devotion as a mother is as obvious as your love of books. Can you talk a bit about the Charity Book Auction you're running in March and the cause that it's for?

Well my oldest daughter, Kirsten, has Downs Syndrome. Along the way since she was born, we've had lots of professional help and advice that's helped a great deal and now she's in a special school that she loves and her teachers are brilliant. So after letting World Downs Syndrome Day pass me by last year because I didn't know about it, I decided this year I really wanted to give something back, so I combined it with my love of books by organising a book auction to raise money for my chosen charity, Downs Syndrome Association (, it will run for a week to coincide with this years World Down syndrome day on March 21st.

(Misty has all the details on her site about how to contact her with your donations and any queries. And of course, you can simply go ahead and donate some money if that's easier. She's aiming to raise £1000 by 21st March 2012, and all details are here

13. Lastly, please leave us with info / links on where we can find you and your reviews online:

Excellent! Thanks so much for taking the time to join me on my blog and letting us all get to know you a bit better -- I look forward to reading (and listening to -- Misty does great weekly video blogs) more of your reviews :)


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